Issue and distribution of DV

Token name: Dreamverse

Token code: DV

Network: Ethereum (ETH)/Binance Smart Chain (BSC)

Standard: ERC20/BEP20

Accuracy: 18

Contract address (ETH): 0x2a03a891add2dc6d0f7b94419086630ba5cb65b6

Contract address (BSC):0x90B3605fC31883f47221788862771CC08db20eb5

Total supply of tokens (100%): 2,100,000,000

Token Distribution

Number of tokens

Ratio to total (%)

Detailed rules for unlocking tokens

Technology Development & Operations

630 million


Unlocked linearly over 3 years after 6 months of exchange listing

Private Placement

105 million


20% unlocked three months after the exchange listing, the rest unlocked in 6 months, 15% unlocked in each of the first 5 months and 5% unlocked in the last month


105 million


Partially unlocked and released based on marketing needs, mainly to cover exchange listing and various marketing activities

IP Collaboration

315 million


Partially unlocked, released according to the IP promotion needs, mainly for the payment of IP collaboration prepayment, guarantee money and share

Ecological Rewards

945 million


Locking status is released according to ecological docking needs, mainly for egg benefits, creator funds, ecological collaboration project rewards, pledge mining and other activities


2.1 billion


Last updated