Egg, Avatar level and land charm value

Eggs and Avatar have different levels, while the land has different charm values.

Eggs have different levels, with different DVs and quantities that can be opened for each level.

Scenes can be purchased directly in the NFT trading market, or synthesized through fragments. Different sizes of land determine the number of eggs to be refreshed each time, as follows.

Number of eggs refreshed for that land = Total number of eggs placed / Total area of audited land * Area of that land

Different levels of Avatar can open different levels of eggs. level 1 Avatar can only open level 1 eggs, level 2 Avatar can open level 1 and level 2 eggs, level 3 land can generate level 1, 2, 3 eggs, and so on. Avatar can be purchased directly in the NFT trading market, or can be synthesized through fragments. Upgrade requires the use of different items, and each upgrade requires the consumption of a different number of items. The NFT Dream Dog has access to all official and collaborative scenes, while other NFTs may have limited access to scenes.

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